How We Work

There’s a lot of steps to a design project and if it’s your first one, it can feel a bit daunting. The more information you have, the easier it is. This step-by-step guide takes you through the process so you’ll know exactly what happens and when you can expect it to happen.

We want to help you create your dream space. To make that happen, it’s best if you’re on top of the budget and know the timescale we’ll be working with. We’ll give you as much information as possible at the start and will be in communication throughout the project so you’re always in the loop.

This is an exciting process and can feel like a big step. So once you’ve had a read through and got the details down, send us an email about your new space and let’s get things started. We can’t wait to work with you!

  • Send us an email with a project idea to kick things off. We’ll give you a format to follow, you just fill in the details.

  • A site visit will be scheduled so we can have a more in-depth conversation about what you want. We’ll also use this time to take detailed measurements of everything involved.

    Please ensure the site is as clear as you can get it.

  • Once we’ve got all the details and looked over the project, you’ll get a quote with a full breakdown of the costs. T

    his can be further discussed and budget-dependent decisions can be made. Any additional costs that come up throughout the process will be identified clearly so you are always up to date on the balance.


  • The first deposit invoice will be sent through when the projects been given the all clear, which will be for 50% of the total cost. The final 50% balance payment will be expected post installation (for projects over £10,000 the payments will be split up into more manageable portions).

  • An initial design will be drawn up in 2D and sent over to you. The it’s up to you to make any notes and tell us about any changes you’d like.

    This typically takes around 2 weeks from the deposit payment.

  • At this stage the design will be fine tuned so it’s exactly what you’re looking for, with finishes and details locked in.

    How long this takes can vary quite a lot. The quicker you are at getting back to us with notes, the quicker it goes. It usually takes a few weeks to get things just right.

    If you want a complete redesign of the project this will naturally take longer and incur extra costs.


  • Once you give the go ahead on the design, the fabrication process starts.

    Depending on the nature of the project, the timescale here can range anywhere from a week to several months. For example, there’s a big difference between a fully bespoke renovation of a living space and an individual piece that’s been custom made to your dimensions.

    Neither are more important than the other, and both require dedicated time and attention to ensure your project is made to the highest standards.

  • When the fabrication is nearing the end we’ll get in touch to arrange delivery at a convenient time for you.

    For bigger projects we offer an installation service and, as this might have to happen in sections, we’ll be in constant communication to ensure you know what’s going on and when.

  • The end of the process! You get to sit back and take in your new space, designed just for you.
